Kalorier i proteinpulver

Kalorier i Proteinpulver
Kalorier i Proteinpulver

Tabel 1 = Specifikke mærker af proteinpulver


Specifikke mærker af proteinpulver

Hjælp til vejning:
- ½ scoop (½ dl) proteinpulver vejer ca. 17½ g
- 1 scoop (1 dl) proteinpulver vejer ca. 35 g

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(100 g)
Bodylab Casein Protein Neutral36001.5 g04.5 g82.0 g
Bodylab Casein Protein Ultimate Chocolate35003.5 g08.0 g71.0 g
Bodylab Eggs & Oats Smooth Chocolate35604.0 g09.0 g70.0 g
Bodylab Rice Protein Neutral39105.0 g06.0 g79.0 g
Bodylab Rice Protein Smooth Chocolate34002.5 g10.0 g69.0 g
Bodylab Vegan Protein Blend Chocolate Coffee37711.0 g11.0 g57.0 g
Bodylab Vegan Protein Blend Smooth Chocolate37711.0 g11.0 g57.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Blueberry40007.0 g06.0 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Banana38005.5 g09.0 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Coconut38008.0 g07.5 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Milkshake38007.5 g08.0 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate (Original)38007.5 g08.0 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Cookies & Cream39008.0 g06.0 g72.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Creamy Banana40007.0 g06.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Double Chocolate39007.5 g06.5 g73.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Lemon38007.0 g04.5 g74.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Liquorice w/ Stevia40007.0 g07.0 g75.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Mango Passion40007.5 g05.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Neutral40007.5 g04.0 g78.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Peach/orange38007.0 g04.5 g74.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Proteinella38608.5 g07.5 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Salted Caramel38006.5 g08.0 g71.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Salted Caramel Milkshake39008.0 g07.5 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry & White Chocolate40007.0 g06.0 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry Milkshake40007.5 g06.0 g75.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry (Original)40007.5 g04.5 g77.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Ultimate Chocolate38007.5 g08.0 g70.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla & Pear40007.0 g06.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla Milkshake40007.0 g06.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla Milkshake w/ Stevia40007.0 g06.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla (Original)40007.0 g06.5 g76.0 g
Bodylab Whey 100 Yoghurt & Blueberry39006.5 g11.0 g70.0 g
EcoProtein Økologisk Proteinpulver Neutral35701.5 g06.0 g80.0 g
EcoProtein Økologisk Proteinpulver Vanilje37503.0 g27.0 g70.0 g
MyProtein Active Women Vegan Blend Banan & Kanel35504.2 g08.1 g67.0 g
MyProtein Impact Whey Protein uden smag41207.5 g04.0 g82.0 g
MyProtein Pea Protein Isolate uden smag35705.0 g03.0 g75.0 g
MyProtein TheWhey Strawberry Milkshake38706.0 g01.9 g87.0 g
Natur Drogeriet Body-Kraft Sojaprotein39804.0 g00.5 g90.0 g
Plantforce Synergy Protein Chocolate36606.6 g05.9 g66.0 g
Plantforce Synergy Protein Natural38406.5 g00.0 g80.0 g
Plantforce Synergy Protein Vanilla37706.5 g02.5 g75.0 g
the raw chocolate Organic Raw Hemp Protein Powder37011.0 g10.0 g47.0 g
superfruit Hemp protein36512.0 g19.6 g44.7 g


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Gratis Kalorietabel © www.GratisKalorietabel.dk

Billede til kalorier i proteinpulver: Pixabay

Kilder der kan være brugt til kalorier i proteinpulver: Fødevaredatabanken, version 7, 2008, DTU Fødevareinstituttet (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet), fysiske varedeklarationer og fødevareproducenters hjemmesider

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Bodylab Casein Protein Neutral, Bodylab Casein Protein Ultimate Chocolate, Bodylab Eggs & Oats Smooth Chocolate, Bodylab Rice Protein Neutral, Bodylab Rice Protein Smooth Chocolate, Bodylab Vegan Protein Blend Chocolate Coffee, Bodylab Vegan Protein Blend Smooth Chocolate, Bodylab Whey 100 Blueberry, Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Banana, Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Coconut, Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate Milkshake, Bodylab Whey 100 Chocolate (Original), Bodylab Whey 100 Cookies & Cream, Bodylab Whey 100 Creamy Banana, Bodylab Whey 100 Double Chocolate, Bodylab Whey 100 Lemon, Bodylab Whey 100 Liquorice w/ Stevia, Bodylab Whey 100 Mango Passion, Bodylab Whey 100 Neutral, Bodylab Whey 100 Peach/orange, Bodylab Whey 100 Proteinella, Bodylab Whey 100 Salted Caramel, Bodylab Whey 100 Salted Caramel Milkshake, Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry & White Chocolate, Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry Milkshake, Bodylab Whey 100 Strawberry (Original), Bodylab Whey 100 Ultimate Chocolate, Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla & Pear, Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla Milkshake, Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla Milkshake w/ Stevia, Bodylab Whey 100 Vanilla (Original), Bodylab Whey 100 Yoghurt & Blueberry, EcoProtein Økologisk Proteinpulver Neutral, EcoProteinØkologisk Proteinpulver Vanilje, MyProteinActive Women Vegan Blend Banan & Kanel, MyProteinImpact Whey Protein uden smag, MyProtein Pea Protein Isolate uden smag, MyProtein TheWhey Strawberry Milkshake, Natur Drogeriet Body-Kraft Sojaprotein, Plantforce Synergy Protein Chocolate, Plantforce Synergy Protein Natural, Plantforce Synergy Protein Vanilla, the raw chocolate Organic Raw Hemp Protein Powder, superfruit Hemp protein.

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